

金州教师资助计划(GSTG)奖励高达20美元,000 to students enrolled in an approved teaching credential or preparation program leading to a pupil personnel services credential. 的 payment can be distributed throughout multiple academic years; 然而, 学生必须完成他们的证书课程 六年 自第一笔款项支付给学生之日起.

Students must commit to work at a priority school in California for 4 years within 8 years of completing their program.  CSAC将继续处理申请直至4月1日, 2025年或直到所有的资金都发放完毕, 哪个先发生. 

2024-2025年重要更新: our office will begin processing applications for the 2024-25 aid year after University Census (9/23/24), 款项将于11月初开始发放.   的 2024-25 GSTG Certification Request form will be available on our 网站 in August 2024.



才有资格获得金州教师补助, 学生必须符合以下资格标准:

  • Be currently enrolled in a California-based professional preparation program approved by the Commission on Teacher 凭证ing (CTC). 有关合格项目的列表,请访问 CTC的网站在新窗口中打开

  • Be working towards a preliminary teaching, or pupil personal services credential

  • 承诺在加州服务四年, 完成证书课程后的八年内.

  • 服务必须在优先学校进行.

  • 必须保持良好的学术地位

  • 提交FAFSA或CA梦想法案申请


A “priority school” is a school with more than 55 percent of pupils who are classified as an English Learner, 有资格享受免费或减价用餐, 或者现在的寄养青年. 目前的优先学校名单在CSAC的名单上 网站在新窗口中打开 .


的 Service Agreement (SA) outlines your obligations under the provisions of 授予. 如SA所述,你的8年时间框架完成你的4年 服务义务将在下列任何情况发生时开始:

  • 不再达到令人满意的学业进步(SAP)

  • 完成你的专业准备课程

  • 退出你的专业准备课程

  • 未能在3年内完成课程并获得证书


Upon your 8-year deadline, for every year your service obligation is not met, 你需要偿还总奖励金额的25%. 对于那些 履行义务后,无需偿还. 所以,如果你的义务得到履行:

  • 1年=偿还75%的奖励金额

  • 2年=偿还奖励金额的50%

  • 3年=偿还奖励金额的25%

  • 4年=无还款,义务完成


申请人可能有资格获得高达2万美元(20美元)的奖金,000), 然而 eligibility is determined upon each student’s 出勤费用 and other 金融援助 awarded.  的re is 金融援助 available to teaching creadential students that is finalized after University Census, 这包括佩尔助学金, 中产阶级奖学金和联邦教育补助金.  由于这些处理时间, 以获得最准确的GSTG资格, processing of this grat happens after University Center and after the other grants have been determined. 

  • Submit a 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) or a CA梦想法案 Application (CADAA) for the academic year you are applying for the GSTG.

  • 创建一个帐户并提交一个 GSTG在线申请在新窗口中打开 . 对于2024-2025援助年度,截止日期为2025年4月1日. If you already received a GSTG award during the prior year but did not receive the full $20,000, 不提交新的申请, CSAC will review your application and make the certification page on WebGrants available for our office to review.  

  • Review and complete our GSTG Certification Request Form and submit to the 金融援助 Office - 2024-25 Deadline is April 1, 2025.  Form must be submitted every academic year you are enrolled for GSTG payment to be processed.  形式 submitted prior to semester starting will be processed after University Census; forms submitted after University Census are processed in about 2-3 weeks.  

  • 30天内签署服务协议(SA). After 金融援助 office processes the GSTG Certification Request Form and certifies an amount online, you will get an email from CSAC to sign the SA online through your GSTG portal.

  • After SA is signed, CSAC sends the payment between 6 - 8 weeks to the 金融援助 office.

  • GSTG基金与您现有的经济援助奖相协调. If requested in the Certification Request form, loans will be reduced or canceled. 如果您注册了直接存款, the GSTG funds are deposited on your bank account within a week of being posted on your 金融援助 package.


的 GSTG amount is determined based on your estimated 出勤费用 (我看), 减去其他经济援助. 


  • 公式:我看 -经济援助= GSTG资格  
    • 我看 (i.e., 预算)包括学杂费, 食宿, 书籍及用品, 运输, 一学年的杂费. If you enroll in summer classes, a separate cost of attendance is built based on summer costs. 
    • 金融援助 奖学金包括助学金、奖学金和贷款.  然而, you have the option to request a reduction or cancelation of student loan(s) you may have accepted or received.  这意味着GSTG资金将取代贷款, essentially paying off a portion or the entirety of your loans for the Academic Year or semester. 
  • GSTG approval will also impact the amount you may have been awarded in Middle-Class Scholarship (MCS); in most cases, it will result in a cancelation as GSTG is typically a higher amount than MCS.
  • If you applied for a Federal Teach Grant, it may delay the processing of your GSTG application.  Teach Grant eligibility must be determined first before we can certify the GSTG application, the amount of 教授予 will determine your remaining eligibility for GSTG. 
  • Funds can be awarded for the full academic year, including 夏天 (if enrolled), or one term only.  通常, 当学生申请全年(包括夏季)的GSTG资金时, 20美元,奖金将按每学期1/3的比例分配(6美元),667), 然而 each student's situation may be different depending on their 我看, 和其他可用的经济援助.  另外, 学生可以申请不超过20美元的贷款,如果他们想把资金留到下一年,就得给我一万美元, 然而,资格不能保证, 因为它取决于新援助年度的剩余资格, 达到令人满意的学业进展, 以及国家资金的可用性. 



  • funds can be awarded for the full academic year, including 夏天 session (if enrolled).  Checkmark the 夏天 term on the GSTG certification form if you are planning/or required to enroll in 夏天, 这将为夏季创建一个单独的GSTG支付.  
  • 通常, 当学生申请全年(包括夏季)的GSTG资金时, 20美元,奖金将按每学期1/3分($6,667), 然而, 每个学生的情况可能会根据他们的我看而有所不同, 和其他可用的经济援助.  
  • 如果你没有注明是夏季学期, 但是你得到了全额的20美元,在秋季和春季学期期间,GSTG基金将提供10,000美元, 你可以省下一部分钱来支付夏天的学费.  


Please review the 出勤费用 budgets below with examples of 金融援助 awarded and how it impacts the amount of GSTG that can be offered to you.





$ 31,273.00





$ 12,660.00


$ 0



$ 18,613.00


场景2:GSTG奖励的最高金额是20美元,000, 因为没有其他的经济援助被接受. 



$ 21,972.00





$ 0


$ 0



$ 20,000.00


场景#3:GSTG奖励的最大金额是3美元,976, 或者学生可以申请取消贷款, 然后我们办公室可以奖励8美元,GSTG基金976美元. 



$ 15,636.00





$ 6,660.00


$ 5,000.00



$ 3,976.00


For information on the Service Agreement and the online WebGrants application, contact California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) 金州教师补助金 Program at:





or submit an inquiry through our 金融援助 Questions ticketing system on our 最可靠的买彩票平台 page.